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Sweet Chicken dob Curry

18 Aug 2015 - David O'Brien//

Fry Onion and Red Peppers in big creuset with a little oil, lid on
add Chicken and fry some more
add lime juice to juice from chicken
add crushed garlic, piece of ginger 1), 5 Cardamond pod, coriander powder, cumin
add pineapple and juice from pineapple can
add Aubergine, carrots
Bring to simmer and put in Chicken Stock powder (no additional water or salt
Cook until Carrots are done

Yellow Chicken Curry

Fry garlic and
in sesame oil, add
lemon juice and
a can of coconut milk. Bring to simmer and put in
300g chicken
5 potatoes
both chopped up.

Add the spices:
ground coriander
ground cumin
ground cinnamon
Madras curry powder
chilli powder
freshly ground black pepper
fresh lemongrass, chopped in slices
Simmer on medium heat without the lid.When the potatoes are almost done, add broccoli, chopped up fresh coriander leaves
\\. Enjoy your both hot and tangy feast and watch out for the lemongrass stems!

Lemon Dill Chicken

400g Chicken
lemon juice
salt & pepper

Very quick but tasty :-P
Chop chicken into bite size pieces, marinate in lemon juice, salt & pepper. Fry the chicken, with onions and garlic and dill. Can add some red peppers for some color.

With pasta - can add blue cheese (Saint Agur) & cream.

David O'Brien

Curry Chicken – Malaysia

Serving for 2 persons Ingredients

  • 300g Chicken Breast Filletv (2 big pieces)
  • 4-5 numbers of medium Potatoes
  • 1 big red onion / 6-8 red small shallots
  • 4-5 cloves garlic
  • 8 – 10 dried curry leafs ( Brand: TRS : Dried Curry Leafs)
  • 200g – 250g coconut milk
  • Mild Curry powder ( Brand: TRS: Mild Madras Curry Powder)
  • 3 Red chillis
  • Salt
  • Sugar to taste
  • Vegetable oil

(Preparation Time: 40mins & Cooking Time: 50mins)

Wash the chicken breast fillet. Cut them into medium cubes. Marinate with some mild curry powder and salt. Peel the potatoes and cut them into half and half again. To your liking, you can cut the potatoes into 4 cubes or 6 cubes, depending on the size of the potatoes. Peel the red onion and garlic and chop them into very fine (small). And leave aside. Cut the red chillis into half and use your knife and take the seeds out. Then chop the chillis into very fine (small) pieces. Heat the pan. Add in vegetable oil and pan fried / deep fried the potatoes till golden brown. Lay them on the kitchen towel. Heat the pot and add in vegetable oil (3-4 tablespoon) and add in the finely chopped chillis, garlic and red onions. Stir till you smell the fragrants arising. Then put in the marinated chicken pieces and the curry leafs. Stir for approximately 3 mins. Add a ¼ of coconut milk to stir and to prevent the chicken pieces to stick on the pot.. Add more curry powder into chicken and continue to stir. Add ¼ cup of water. Let it cook for 5 mins and add more coconut milk and maybe 2-3 tablespoon of sugar. And let it cook for another 5 mins. Add in the rest of the coconut milk (it depends how much curry gravy you desire) and the fried potatoes cubes. Let it simmer for another 5 mins. Add in salt to taste. The curry chicken is ready. It is best to serve the curry chicken with steamed rice.

* If you prefer the curry chicken to be more spicy, do not put in the sugar.

Wendy Lee

Coconut Chicken (Kenya)

2 chicken filets, sliced
1 tablespoon ginger
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Put the ingredients for the marinade in a blender, rub into the chicken and refrigerate for at least one hour (or 1/2 in the freezer).
Then make the sauce. Put

2-3 tomatoes
1 big onion
2 bird's eyes chillis, chopped
2 tablespoons desiccated coconut
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon ground cumin

into a blender, then heat

3 tablespoons corn oil

and fry the sauce, stirring more and more frequently until lightly fried and no longer watery.
Add the chicken with the marinade, stir, then cover loosely and cook for ca. 15 min.

1 can coconut milk, well shaken
50 ml water

and simmer gently for ca. 15 min.
Turn off the heat and add

4 tablespoons fresh coriander leaves, chopped
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Anneke Richter

Coriander Chicken Curry (Kenya)

4 chicken filets or legs, separated into drumsticks and thighs
small piece of ginger
5 cloves garlic
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 tomato
1 teaspoon ground coriander
1/2 teaspoon dried or a bowl full of fresh coriander
1/4 teaspoon chili powder or dried chilis
2-3 teaspoons tomato puree
vegetable oil
vegetables for example:
3 green peppers
1 onion
2 red peppers
1\2 broccoli
1 red onion

Blend the ginger, garlic and lemon juice with 2 tablespoons of water. Pour it over the chopped chicken and rub it in. Cover with cling film and marinate at least 30 min (if you don't have much time, put it in the freezer).
Don't clean the blender jug and just put in tomato, ground coriander, chili powder, tomato puree, 1 teaspoon salt and 2 tablespoons of water. Set aside.
Cover the bottom of the pan with oil and fry the green peppers and onion on low heat for a while. Add salt and fresh pepper. Then add the chicken with the marinade and fry on high heat without covering the pan. When the chicken looks done, add the red pepper, broccoli and red onion. Add salt and pepper to taste and a little sweet chili sauce, if you like. Add the tomato mixture from the blender, mix and keep on frying on high heat until the sauce becomes thick, separates and sticks to the chicken. Now it's time for the fresh coriander. Enjoy!

Serve with joghurt on the side, sushi rice and naan bread.
If you are still enthusiastic and want something spicy on the side, prepare a quick tomato chutney!

Anneke Richter

added in one piece as it was a bit hairy
eat/meat/chicken.1568086974.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/10 03:42 by
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