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:eat:brot.jpg Brotbackautomat Primera 3000AE: BreadMaker Manual


1.5 kg 0 3.3lbs of flour for 2 sourdough loaves. Costco flour2) costs 0,32$/lbs. So about 1.05$ per week (2loaves)


200 ml Milch
500 g Mehl
100 g gemahlene Mandeln 60 g Zucker
1 Prise Salz
1 Würfel (42 g) Hefe
150 g Rosinen
80 g weiche Butter oder Margarine
3 Eier
1 Eigelb
3 EL Schlagsahne
80 g Puderzucker
2 EL Zitronensaft

Milch lauwarm erwärmen. Mehl, Zucker und Salz in eine Schüssel geben. In die Mitte eine Mulde drücken. Hefe und 5 Esslöffel Milch verrühren und in die Mehlmulde geben. Mit Mehl vom Rand verrühren und mit wenig Mehl bestäuben. An einem warmen Ort zugedeckt ca. 15 Minuten gehen lassen. Rosinen abspülen und abtropfen lassen. Fett, Eier und übrige Milch zufügen und mit den Knethaken des Handrührgerätes zu einem glatten Teig verkneten. Nochmals zugedeckt ca. 30 Minuten gehen lassen. Rosinen unterkneten. Teig dritteln und zu jeweils ca. 60 cm langen Strängen formen. Stränge zu einem Zopf flechten und auf einem mit Backpapier ausgelegten Backblech zu einem Kranz zusammenlegen. Nochmals ca. 15 Minuten gehen lassen. Eigelb und Sahne verquirlen, Kranz damit bestreichen. Im vorgeheizten Backofen (E-Herd: 200 °C/ Umluft: 175 °C/ Gas: Stufe 3) 35-40 Minuten backen. Auskühlen lassen. Puderzucker in eine Schüssel sieben. Zitronensaft zugeben und zu einem Guss verrühren. Kranz mit Guss bepinseln und ca. 1/2 Stunde trocknen lassen.

Treacle Bread

3 big spoons (ladles) of self-raising flour
a tiny bit of baking powder
raisins, peel, cherries
a small handful of brown sugar
1 small spoon of treacle
1 egg
a bit of milk
1 heaped spoon butter

Put the dough into a small greased baking tin (fill to 3/4) and bake at 180′C for 40-45 minutes.


1. Dissolve
2 teaspoons dried yeast
1 teaspoon honey or 30g sugar
1/2 pint warm water.

2. Mix
500g strong flour or semolina flour
500g normal flour
30g salt.

3. Pour the yeast mix into the flour and knead, adding
1/2 pint warm water
step by step. Knead for at least 5 minutes!
4. Leave the dough to prove until it has doubled in size.

5. Knead for a few minutes again and shape the dough into a flat focaccia shape. At this point you could also make a normal bread loaf or grissini.
6. Add a topping, e.g.
1 clove garlic, chopped
bunch basil, chopped
lemon juice
lots of olive oil,

push holes into the dough with your fingers and leave to prove again.

7. Bake for 15ish minutes at very high temperature. You might like to add a little olive oil and salt after baking.
This freezes very well, just slice it before.

Adapted from Jamie Oliver

Graubrot (Germany)

500g sour dough
500g rye flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 cube fresh yeast or 1/2 sachet dried yeast
200ml lukewarm water

Mix and knead well, form a ball and leave in a warm place for at least 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 220°C. Put in a cup with water and bake the bread for 50-60 min, reducing the heat to 180°C after 15 min.
Don't be greedy and leave to cool for several hours :-X

Mischbrot (Germany)

500g sour dough
500g wheaten flour}} 1 teaspoon salt
a little yeast, depending on how sour the dough is by now
200ml water a handful of seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, etc)
a little bread spice (fennel, anise and cumin)

Mix and knead well, form a ball and leave in a warm place for at least 1 hour.
Preheat the oven to 220°C. Put in a cup with water and bake the bread for 50-60 min, reducing the heat to 180°C after 15 min.
This bread does not need to cool as long as the Graubrot :-D

Anneke Richter

Sauerteig (sour dough) - 'Hermann'

4x100g rye flour

Mix 100g flour with water in a big jar or bowl until you have a pancake or waffel dough, kind of fluid.
Cover with a lid, but not completely, so the friendly bacteria can get to work.
Leave in a warm and undisturbed place.
Stir Hermann well every 12 hours and feed him every 24 hours - 100g flour and water, just enough to have a pancake dough again.
After 4-5 days Hermann should be bubbly and sour, so you can take 500g off (or 400g, same amount as the flour for the bread recipe) and use it as sour dough for a nice rye bread. Keep the rest in the fridge in a sealed container and feed again, if you need sour dough - you have friend Hermann as a new house mate :-)
For the next bread with Hermann you won't need yeast any more.

:-o Warning: this recipe takes 4-5 days to prepare!


Hermann is born (2-09-06)

Ode to Hermann

Hermann, you were so cued
when I first saw you.

So tanned and smooth.

I was always observing you
when you were fed.

Appetite so steady and likable.

You were always there
when I came home.

Waiting beside the window.

I was standing by you
when you were smelly.

Getting old.

Hermann, it broke my heart
when I sliced and ate you.

So delicious.

Unknown artist (the artist previously known as Björn)

Brown Bread (Ireland)


Irish Soda Bread

Prep: 15 min. Bake: 30 min.

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3 tablespoons margarine or butter
1/4 cup raisins (optional)
1 egg white, slightly beaten
3/4 cup buttermilk
Nonstick cooking spray
1/4 teaspoon salt

1. In a medium mixing bowl stir together flour, baking powder, soda, and salt. Cut in margarine or butter until mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in raisins, if desired. Make a well in the center of the mixture.
2. In a small mixing bowl combine egg white and buttermilk. Add all at once to dry mixture. Stir just until moistened.
3. On a lightly floured surface knead dough 10 to 12 strokes until nearly smooth. Shape into a 7-inch round loaf.
4. Lightly coat a baking sheet with cooking spray. Place bread dough on baking sheet. With a sharp knife, make 2 slashes in the top to form an X.
5. Bake in a 375 degree F oven about 30 minutes or until golden.
Serve warm. Makes 1 loaf (16 servings).

David O'Brien


White flour
Wholemeal flour

Put the flour in a bowl …

Mai O'Brien

eat/bread.1554436461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/09/10 03:42 (external edit)
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