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rtaining books and giving insight into areas that do not usually provide the best material for an easy
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====== How I now do my reading - Instapaper & Kindle ====== ~~META: date created = 2016-11-21 ~~ **
2 Hits, Last modified:
e either not contagious then $ P(A|B) =0 $ or you do not come into contact with sick people $ P(B) =0 ... d 7 tails if one flips a fair coin 10 times. You do $n=10$ trials. The probability of success in any
4 Hits, Last modified:
r our greater good and not just for its own sake? Do the technologists do their work for the greater good of all humanity or merely because they are driven to do so as it is who they are? Being one of them, I su... hat a small number of intellectuals would like to do. Recognizing what is in your best interest may no
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newly installed blog software to document how to do that, but yeah…Looks interesting how it gathers t
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again at my old text editor Emacs and what it can do with Emacs lisp. Lisp expresses everything in ter... cks]] videos and it is quite amazing what you can do if you can become fluent in this environment. The... en onto Excel Macros — which may actually help me do some routine data entry tasks automatically. This... eries of excel files. \\ “Computers can help you do everything more quickly... it just takes longer.”
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