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beef @eat:meat
5 Hits, Last modified:
pper to taste. Fill\\ **6 tortillas**\\ with\\ **sour cream\\ kidney beans\\ grated cheese** \\ Cove... ingredients can be modified depending on your personal taste: \\ **2 tablespoons ketchup \\ salt, marjoram, paprika (chilli will do it also - could be hot and spicy) \\ 2 - 3 stock cubes gu... nd fry it a bit (just to close the pores), \\ add some salt, paprika, gulash stock cubes and marjoram
9 Hits, Last modified:
- 1/2 cup Butter - 1/4 cup Brown Sugar Heat up some oil or butter in a pot-put in popcorn kernels, ... n popping is going and turn off heat when popping sounds like it is finished to avoid burning them. M... er * - 0.5 tsp aginamoto (MSG) * - 2 caps soy sauce Marinated beef with the above ingredients... epper and stir till onions are brown. Did not add soy sauce as recommended. Felt it didn't need it. C
4 Hits, Last modified:
red thickness. \\ \\ If you like, you can now add some\\ **parsley, chopped up** \\ \\ Serve with pota... l smooth, adding water if it is too dry. \\ \\ Season with \\ **salt \\ pepper \\ lemon juice** \\ ... ients__\\ **800g (2 cans) whole plum tomatoes\\ 4 sour Braeburn apples, peeled, cored and cut into sma... d Anneke Richter// ===== Fresh Tomato Chutney (South Africa)===== __Ingredients__\\ **2-3 medium to
chicken @eat:meat
7 Hits, Last modified:
bes * 110ml of water * Salt and pepper for seasoning * Fresh coriander leaves to garnish (option... th a little oil, lid on\\ add **Chicken** and fry some more\\ add **lime juice** to juice from chicken... chicken, with onions and garlic and dill. Can add some red peppers for some color. With pasta - can add blue cheese (Saint Agur) & cream. David O'Brie
43 Hits, Last modified:
stershire sauce, sugar, tomato puree and stir. Season with salt and pepper. - Bring the sauce to bo... es. - Add the sauce to a blender or food processor and blitz until smooth. - Return the sauce to... stershire sauce, sugar, tomato puree and stir. Season with salt and pepper. - Bring the sauce to bo... l enough add the sauce to a blender or food processor and blitz until smooth. - Return the sauce to
pork @eat:meat
7 Hits, Last modified:
salt * pepper * sage/thyme/orenano Italian seasoning * garlic powder * ground coriander Prep:... tsp freshly ground black pepper, 1 tsp Italian Seasoning, 4 large garlic cloves and 1 tsp ground coria... d Pork Tenderloin with Spice Rub with the best seasoning for pork tenderloin - Pierce pork loin all ... each of Lima, pinto bean and 2 tins of tomatoes. soya sauce, chipotle and a little chilli. ===== H
6 Hits, Last modified:
hneiden und dazugeben.\\ **2 EL Reisessig\\ 3 El Sonnenblumenöl\\ 1 EL Senf\\ 2 EL Flüssigkeit aus Ge... \ Grill: heiße Kohlen sehr gleichmäßig verteilen, so dass keine Flammen und gleichmäßige Hitze entsteht.\\ \\ \\ //Henning Richter// ==== Risotto ==== __Zutaten:__\\ **800 ml Geflügelbrühe\\ ... e Möhren schälen, in kleine Würfel schneiden. Ebenso die Tomaten und die Zwiebeln und den Knoblauch. I
duck @eat:meat
5 Hits, Last modified:
fat to run, but not the juices from the meat. Season the skin lightly with salt and pepper. 5. Put t... asting tin. Place into oven for about 20 minutes, so the fat starts to run. Then turn the oven down to... the oven. 6. Baste the duck every 20 minutes or so. Check the bird for doneness after about 1½ hours... reduce them to a rich, syrupy gravy. Taste for seasoning, and add a little redcurrant jelly for sweetn
12 Hits, Last modified:
it einem Tuch abdecken und gehen lassen. Der Teig sollte sichtbar aufgehen und elastisch sein.\\ 6. Te... the bottom part.\\ \\ Peel \\ **1-1,5 kg apples (sour)** \\ and heat in a pot with \\ **a bit of butter \\ 50 g raisins \\ a bi sugar** \\ until soft. \\ \\ Prepare pudding from \\ **1 sachet vanil... and pour it on the layer of dough. \\ \\ Put the soft apple mixture on top. \\ \\ For the Streusel, k
21 Hits, Last modified:
{eat:primera3000ae.pdf|BreadMaker Manual}} ===== Sourdough ===== Our new staple bread from living in... -united-states/)) 1.5 kg 0 3.3lbs of flour for 2 sourdough loaves. Costco flour((https://www.costco.c... 25-lbs.product.100381629.html)) costs 0,32\$/lbs. So about 1.05\$ per week (2loaves) ===== Osterkran... or 40-45 minutes.\\ \\ ===== Focaccia ===== 1. Dissolve \\ **2 teaspoons dried yeast \\ 1 teaspoon hon
8 Hits, Last modified:
me: 25min. \\ Calories: 450kcal \\ Quantity: 4 persons \\ __Ingredients__ \\ **1 Octopus \\ 1 TS Salt... epper paste \\ 1/2 TS Chili pepper powder \\ 1 TS Soy sauce \\ 1/2 TS Sesame oil \\ Ginger, a bit \\ 1... \ 3. Mix chili pepper paste, chili pepper powder, soy sauce, salt, sugar, ground ginger, and sesame oi... il and sesame seeds on top of it. \\ \\ //Oh Sang Soon// ===== Fish Pie ===== __Ingredients__\\ **po
lamb @eat:meat
2 Hits, Last modified:
r each 500g. 500g = 1lb clove of garlic cut into some piece and stuck into the meat. Vegetables (pot... parsley\\ Fresh ground pepper and salt** \\ \\ Season the lamb with salt and pepper & fry meet in pot
2 Hits, Last modified:
\\ Then refill with fresh cold water and allow to soak for at least 1 hour.\\ \\ Boil\\ **1 1/2 cups o... and press the red button :-)\\ \\ Thanks to Sang Soon and the St. Andrews Asian community! {{:eat:sus
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