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beef @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
p \\ salt, marjoram, paprika (chilli will do it also - could be hot and spicy) \\ 2 - 3 stock cubes gu
3 Hits, Last modified:
* 2 teaspoons red chilli powder (I use extra hot, so adjust your amount) * 1/2 teaspoon coriander po... the pan. This method ensures a thick gravy. Can also add more black pepper at the end along with the g... ve are best with chappathis or Kerala porottas. Also ok with rice, with the second being the best. Sh
8 Hits, Last modified:
ntils (100g) with water in a small pot and boil also for 15-20 min. \\ Roast the cardamom and cumin se... t 10 minutes, with the lid closed. Use a tall pot so that the delicate asparagus heads are not in the ... e ===== Chop up all the vegetables in big pieces so they can retain their consistency through the coo... er vegetables** \\ \\ Fry the vegetables in a pan so that they are almost done.\\ Put them in a casser
3 Hits, Last modified:
\ Grill: heiße Kohlen sehr gleichmäßig verteilen, so dass keine Flammen und gleichmäßige Hitze entsteh... e Möhren schälen, in kleine Würfel schneiden. Ebenso die Tomaten und die Zwiebeln und den Knoblauch. I... dann Ei kurz verquirlen und trockene Zutaten nur so lang mitverquirlen bis alles feucht ist.\\ Ofen v
duck @eat:meat
2 Hits, Last modified:
asting tin. Place into oven for about 20 minutes, so the fat starts to run. Then turn the oven down to... the oven. 6. Baste the duck every 20 minutes or so. Check the bird for doneness after about 1½ hours
2 Hits, Last modified:
r the cake, rub the dough between your flat hands so that you get the typical uneven surface (Streusel... d lemon juice and pour over the cake. You could also just put icing sugar on the top.\\ Decorate with
8 Hits, Last modified:
25-lbs.product.100381629.html)) costs 0,32\$/lbs. So about 1.05\$ per week (2loaves) ===== Osterkran... a flat focaccia shape. At this point you could also make a normal bread loaf or grissini. \\ 6. Add a... of fluid.\\ Cover with a lid, but not completely, so the friendly bacteria can get to work.\\ Leave in... After 4-5 days Hermann should be bubbly and sour, so you can take 500g off (or 400g, same amount as th
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