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5 Hits, Last modified:
This is a little bit more complex as the install needs ethernet cable. - Download script f... on computer - Boot PI with SD card --- here you need ethernet cable to download the system - Boot in... board working. WIFI - not working. Here you again need ethernet cable attached and need to download under "Programs" the "Networking Tool" addon. Installed th
4 Hits, Last modified:
Capacitor charged, then discharge). For this you need a TC54**VC** [[beam.components| component]] As I... ergy to drive the motor, the trigger voltage will need to be higher than the 0.7V set by a single diode: W= <sup>1</sup> / <sub>2</sub> CV<sup>2</sup> Needs to be either multiple diodes in series (trigger ... t current is leaking at close to trigger point => need to have reasonably high light level to quickly go
2 Hits, Last modified:
=GETHISTORY("PETR4.SA",1,TODAY()-1) (you might need to use semicolons instead of commas) and then pre... ay can be done with the INDEX function. You don't need to use ctrl+shift+enter for it to work as it does
1 Hits, Last modified:
mazon for ~12€. \\ To build your own Arduino you need : ((
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