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JavaScript"> function bmi(form) { var m = parseFloat(form.weight.value, 10); var l = parseFloat(form.height.value, 10); var b = 0; b = m / (l * l); form.B... minimum energy expenditure of endothermic animals at rest. This is the baseline for the calorie intake... = 10.0 m + 6.25 h - 5.0 a + s// \\ P = total heat production at complete rest, kcal/day\\ m = mass
8 Hits, Last modified:
ty|society]]. **Not eating the seed corn** ((To eat the corn which should be saved for seed, so as to... ript"> function compound(form) { var Ex = parseFloat(form.expenses.value, 4000); var APR = parseFloat(form.roi.value, 7); var TAX = parseFloat(, 10); var INF = parseFloat(form.inflation.val
4 Hits, Last modified:
aScript"> function tempfc(form) { var F = parseFloat(form.DegF.value, 10); var T = 0; T = (F - 32.0) *... sers --> function tempcf(form) { var C = parseFloat(form.DegC.value, 10); var T = 0; T = C * 9.0 / 5.... of a mixture of ice, water, and ammonium chloride at a 1:1:1 ratio that has a stable temperature of 0 °F (−17.78 °C). Intervals between this point and the
4 Hits, Last modified:
cript"> function compound(form) { var P = parseFloat(form.principal.value, 10); var n = parseFloat(form.years.value, 10); var r = parseFloat(form.interest.value, 10); var A = 0; A = P * Math.pow((1 + ... tml> Set negative number for "Interest" to look at effect of inflation ==== Math ==== Calculator u
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