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1 Hits, Last modified:
oil, add the meat and stir until browned. Put in all the other ingredients and 1 cup water and simmer
1 Hits, Last modified:
ato purée and stir until well combined. * 3 Add all the dry spice, mix well. Now add the chicken and
4 Hits, Last modified:
easoning for pork tenderloin - Pierce pork loin all over with a fork and rub with 1 Tbsp oil than spr... ill work). Once oil is hot, add pork and brown on all sides (5 minutes total). - Place in the oven a... sor and pulse to a coarse paste. Rub this mixture all over the ham. Cover the pan tightly with foil and... \ Cut slices into the pork and rub the salt and herbs into the meat. Marinate in all the ingredients.
1 Hits, Last modified:
e evenly. 4. Now, using a needle, prick the skin all over the fatty parts at the breast and where the
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