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beef @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
s cautiously with the meat and rice filling. Heat up in the oven for another 5-10 minutes at 150C.
4 Hits, Last modified:
ingfilm and put in fridge for a hour. Then divide up into ~4 balls and roll through pasta mixer into w... - 1/2 cup Butter - 1/4 cup Brown Sugar Heat up some oil or butter in a pot-put in popcorn kernel... To make the garam masala, toast these and grind up. Keep for later use. * 2 Tbs fennel seeds * 2... This salsa keeps in the refrigerator for up to one day. Before you serve it, stir it well and
2 Hits, Last modified:
u like, you can now add some\\ **parsley, chopped up** \\ \\ Serve with potatoes and asparagus. ====... \\ \\ Put the can of tomatoes (break the tomatoes up with your fingers), apples, vinegar, garlic, ging
chicken @eat:meat
2 Hits, Last modified:
n\\ **300g chicken\\ 5 potatoes**,\\ both chopped up.\\ \\ Add the spices:\\ **turmeric\\ ground cor... e potatoes are almost done, add broccoli, chopped up fresh coriander leaves**\\. Enjoy your both hot a
10 Hits, Last modified:
t garlic in 2 and rub arouund inside of pot. Chop up and put in pan along with Grape Juice /wine - heat up. Then add cheese and allow to melt. Add flour to ... hem on a plate covered with a paper towel to soak up any excess grease. - Serve hot with burgers, ch... pper\\ 2 cloves of garlic** \\ \\ Put the chopped up cauliflowers and the thinly sliced potatoes in an
2 Hits, Last modified:
basmati rice**\\ until the water no longer clouds up.\\ Then refill with fresh cold water and allow to... f sushi rice**\\ until the water no longer clouds up.\\ \\ Fill the rice cooker bowl with water, until
duck @eat:meat
3 Hits, Last modified:
the oven to 220°C/Gas Mark 7. If the duck is tied up, untruss it - i.e. cut the strings and gently pul... f the giblet stock. Make this first: roughly chop up the neck, heart, gizzard and wing tips, plus the ... it means that when you turn the bird breast-side up again it sits flatter in the pan, which helps it
2 Hits, Last modified:
divided \\ 3 eggs \\ heap of lemon balm, chopped up, the more the better \\ 1/2 teaspoon vanilla flav... Grease an oven-proof form and fill in the mixture up the ~3cm.\\ Bake for 20-25 min at 180°.\\ \\ OR
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