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1 Hits, Last modified:
ndle Whispersync function as far as I understand, so you need to have this option clicked in the kindl
2 Hits, Last modified:
s it that the news and media that I am reading is so slanted and divorced from reality that I am even ... What explanation is there for markets responding so positively to Trump's election? What am I current
2 Hits, Last modified:
ial Intelligence (AI), super-intelligence and the so called singularity(([[ Thoreau's Walden, you can drop out of society and so massively reduce your expenditure and in this way
1 Hits, Last modified:
on (and sometimes much more quickly). Why is this so hard to imagine despite all evidence to the contr
5 Hits, Last modified:
and important as a lot of sampling is limited and so these outcomes are everywhere. How probabilities ... x{ to } (1 - Occurance) = Non\mbox{-}Occurance$$ So if the probability is 10% or 0.10, then the odds ... } on}{Odds \mbox{ } on + Odds \mbox{ }against}$$ So to convert odds of 1/9 to a probability, using ab... process with only 2 outcomes (heads or tails) and so is a Bernoulli process. A series of n flips or Be
1 Hits, Last modified:
humanity or merely because they are driven to do so as it is who they are? Being one of them, I suspe
1 Hits, Last modified:
Erdős number of 1) have an Erdős number of 3, and so forth. A person with no such coauthorship chain c
1 Hits, Last modified:
t, then it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and so long as people react in this way in their handing
1 Hits, Last modified:
d, but all that may be of value is buried amongst so much nonsense. Winter won't last forever and I a
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