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4 Hits, Last modified:
tall pot so that the delicate asparagus heads are not in the water, as they cook much faster. Serve wit... king, you don't want the top burnt and the bottom not cooked. \\ \\ //Andrea di Falco// ===== Potato S... live or corn oil. Chop the cabbage in big slices, not using the outer leaves and inner hard heart ;-) a... s a kind of rectangular or cubic shape... it does not change much the taste of the Quiche but it does i
3 Hits, Last modified:
1 tsp pepper and stir till onions are brown. Did not add soy sauce as recommended. Felt it didn't need... large onion, sliced thick (if you want the onions not to be a mush, otherwise dice them) * 2 teaspoon... tal about 1 teaspoon Saute the onions a bit, but not too long. Maybe till they turn a bit translucent.
2 Hits, Last modified:
the heat to 180°C after 15 min.\\ This bread does not need to cool as long as the Graubrot :-D\\ \\ \\ ... fel dough, kind of fluid.\\ Cover with a lid, but not completely, so the friendly bacteria can get to w
beef @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
= __Ingredients__\\ **400ml (1 can) coconut milk, not shaken\\ 2 tablespoons vegetable/corn/peanut oil\
chicken @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
you prefer the curry chicken to be more spicy, do not put in the sugar. Wendy Lee ===== Coconut Chi
duck @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
to pierce the skin. You want the fat to run, but not the juices from the meat. Season the skin lightly
pork @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
20C (gas mark 7), cook for 15-20 minutes, careful not to dry it out.\\ \\ Uncured, raw ham... marinate
1 Hits, Last modified:
all ingredients until you have fluffy streusels (not too small). Put half of them in a greased spring
1 Hits, Last modified:
g inside juice of half lemon. Strong tasting, but not bad. Could reduce sage and lemon [[:eat:meat:bee
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