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beef @eat:meat
3 Hits, Last modified:
ook the whole (!) peppers in the oven at 150C for 10-15 minutes. Then, carefully cut out the top with ... d rice filling. Heat up in the oven for another 5-10 minutes at 150C. ===== Enchiladas (Mexico) ===... resh ginger, finely chopped\\ 5-6 cloves garlic\\ 10-15 curry leaves\\ 2 tomatoes or more\\ 900g stewi
2 Hits, Last modified:
en bringen - 4 Minuten reine Kochzeit Gläser - 5-10 Minuten Kochen zur Entkeimung (Gläser nicht mit H... rette// Äpfel vom Garten, Pinova ) {{:eat:20200102_13012738.jpg?400|}} **Rezepte:** //Henning Rich... rinated beef with the above ingredients for about 10 min, then pressure cooked for 15 min. After the p
1 Hits, Last modified:
r, choppped or grated \\ 1 stick of lemongrass \\ 100 grammes brown sugar \\ 200 ml apple juice (or mo
chicken @eat:meat
2 Hits, Last modified:
* 500g chicken breasts, cut into 2cm cubes * 110ml of water * Salt and pepper for seasoning * ... and cook until the chicken is well cooked, about 10 minutes. If you like more gravy, feel free to add... red small shallots * 4-5 cloves garlic * 8 – 10 dried curry leafs ( Brand: TRS : Dried Curry Leaf
9 Hits, Last modified:
o a colander and just let them sit there for 5 to 10 minutes to steam dry. - Pour the oil into a lar... n 2 to 3 separate batches. - Cook them for 8 to 10 minutes until they are just turning golden. - C... ed, until translucent. Then add half the lentils (100g), the tomato concentrate and, after a while, th... At the same time, cover the rest of the lentils (100g) with water in a small pot and boil also for 15
pork @eat:meat
2 Hits, Last modified:
n transfer to a cutting board and let meat rest 5-10min before slice into rings to serve. ((The USDA n... - 3.00 Ham - started at 1:40 + 1.5 hours --- 3:10 Goose 2:05 - 2:15 @ 240°C 2:15 - 3:45 @ 190°
4 Hits, Last modified:
= Herzhaftes ===== ==== Kartoffelsalat ==== **6-10 große Kartoffeln** \\ kochen und nach dem Erkalte... g Rundkornreis\\ 50 g Parmesan\\ 1 Bund Kerbel\\ 100 g Sahne\\ Salz/ Pfeffer** \\ \\ Zubereitung:\\ 1... 2x Frischkäse à 200 g\\ 1 Glas Schattenmorellen\\ 100 g Zucker\\ 1 P Vanillezucker\\ 1 P Sahnesteif\\ ... 750g Erdbeeren\\ 2 EL Zucker\\ 750g Magerquark\\ 100g Puderzucker\\ 500g Mascarpone\\ 3 EL Zitronensa
1 Hits, Last modified:
stir once again and let the rice sit for another 10 minutes before serving.\\ \\ http://www.indo-euro
10 Hits, Last modified:
geriebene Zitronenschale\\ 1/8 l lauwarme Milch\\ 100 g Butter zimmerwarm\\ 1 Ei \\ \\ Rezept Zuberei... ==== Apfelstreusel ===== Mix \\ **300 g flour \\ 100 g butter \\ 100 g sugar \\ 1 teaspoon baking powder \\ 1 sachet vanilla sugar** \\ and form a dough.... \\ \\ For the Streusel, knead \\ **150 g flour \\ 100 g butter \\ 100 g sugar** \\ until you have a do
5 Hits, Last modified:
26-Restaurant-All-Purpose-Flour%2c-25-lbs.product.100381629.html)) costs 0,32\$/lbs. So about 1.05\$ p... Osterkranz ===== **200 ml Milch \\ 500 g Mehl \\ 100 g gemahlene Mandeln 60 g Zucker \\ 1 Prise Salz ... dients__\\ **4x100g rye flour\\ water** \\ \\ Mix 100g flour with water in a big jar or bowl until you... well every 12 hours and feed him every 24 hours - 100g flour and water, just enough to have a pancake
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