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can be observed: * Good investment: 15% growth over 5 years will double iniitial value * Inflation: -4% over 50 years will eliminate 87% of value\\ ==== Calc... amount is deposited or borrowed for \\ A broader overview of how you can describe constant growth can b... fference the different compounding intervals make over a 5 year period.\\ {{:calculate:pasted:20161226-1
4 Hits, Last modified:
t of capital needed to generate enough income to cover your expenses without your capital being depleted... time either through inflation or withdrawals to cover expenses. Net Return on Capital ≥ Expenses Net ... nt of capital required to generate the income to cover your expenses. <code> Example of a Steady State ... on politcal climate. ~3% is average rate from US over last century \\ * Return on Investment - histor
2 Hits, Last modified:
== Enter height and weight and check if you are "overweight".. <html> <head> <script language="JavaScri... t 2012]])) \\ => <18.5 is underweight\\ => >25 is overweight\\ => >30 is obese [[
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n on capital is typically on the order of 5%/year over the long run.\\ * 9,000 € return on 180,000€ ca
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