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11 Hits, Last modified:
2-3 Tomaten, in sehr kleinen Stücken\\ 1-2 EL Zitronensaft\\ ca 1 Tasse Weißwein\\ etwas Sahne\\ Pfeffe... __Zutaten:__\\ **4 Eier (getrennt)\\ 500g Mascarpone\\ 4 EL Zucker\\ 3 EL Rum (Ein Fläschchen vom Dr. ... n).\\ 2.) Eigelb, Zucker verquirlen,\\ 3.) Mascarpone, Rum dazu,\\ 4.) erste in Kaffee getunkte Löffelbiskuitschicht in Auflaufform,\\ 5.) Mascarponemasse drauf.\\ 6.) Zweite in Kaffee getunkte Löffe
9 Hits, Last modified:
1 Päckchen Vanillezucker\\ etwas abgeriebene Zitronenschale\\ 1/8 l lauwarme Milch\\ 100 g Butter zimm... 50 g Zucker\\ 1 Teelöffel Zimt\\ 3 Esslöffel Zitronensaft\\ \\ Rezept Zubereitung Belag altdeutscher A... ischen und über die Äpfel verteilen.\\ 4. Mit Zitronensaft beträufeln.\\ 5. Nach Belieben mit Streuseln... tom of a cake tin with parchment paper.\\ \\ Mix one cup sugar, the eggs, lemon juice, and vanilla. Si
7 Hits, Last modified:
e \\ 1 1tbsp chopped fresh dill \\ 1 tbsp liquid honey \\ 1 tbsp cider vinegar \\ 1 tbsp extra virgin o... \\ Goes very well with salmon fillet, lightly seasoned with salt, pepper, dill and olive oil, then frie... gg \\ a handful of grated cheese (best is a sharp one) \\ milk \\ salt \\ pepper** \\ \\ Fry the onion ... it about 20 min. (the mushrooms have to be well done to be edible) till you´ve got a thick sauce, seas
5 Hits, Last modified:
from Viju's): * - 2.5 lb beef country ribs boneless cut in half, pricked by fork * - 1 tsp ea... r ten minutes, u can actually see the beef become one with the dish. ==== Spicy Chicken ==== T. Var... sized * * 2 lbs chicken thighs (preferably boneless and skinless) * 1 large onion, sliced thick... eat to high, and cook till the chicken is almost done (shouldn't take longer than about 15 min). Five m
chicken @eat:meat
5 Hits, Last modified:
*crushed garlic**, **piece of ginger** ((added in one piece as it was a bit hairy)), **5 Cardamond pod*... dditional water or salt\\ Cook until Carrots are done ===== Yellow Chicken Curry ===== Fry **garli... eat without the lid.When the potatoes are almost done, add broccoli, chopped up fresh coriander leaves*... rub into the chicken and refrigerate for at least one hour (or 1/2 in the freezer).\\ Then make the sau
duck @eat:meat
4 Hits, Last modified:
a board and press hard on the middle of the backbone until you hear a crack, it means that when you tu... duck every 20 minutes or so. Check the bird for doneness after about 1½ hours' total cooking time. Pok... breast. When the juices runs clear, the bird is done. Tip the bird to pour any fat or juices out of th... e off the whole legs, carefully pulling the thighbone away from the body of the bird. Cut each leg in h
4 Hits, Last modified:
3 EL Schlagsahne \\ 80 g Puderzucker \\ 2 EL Zitronensaft** \\ \\ Milch lauwarm erwärmen. Mehl, Zucker... lassen. Puderzucker in eine Schüssel sieben. Zitronensaft zugeben und zu einem Guss verrühren. Kranz m... solve \\ **2 teaspoons dried yeast \\ 1 teaspoon honey or 30g sugar \\ 1/2 pint warm water.** \\ \\ 2. ... 16 servings).\\ \\ \\ //David O'Brien// ===== Scones ===== **Ingredients**\\ White flour\\ Wholemeal
pork @eat:meat
3 Hits, Last modified:|this one]] Dry rub for pork tenderloin with just * salt... fat 2cm apart, stick clove into each diamond.\\ Honey glaze - 2 level tablespoons of mustard powder, 1 tablespoon of Irish whiskey, 4 tablespoons of honey. Mix into a paste - pour over ham.\\ \\ Preheat
beef @eat:meat
2 Hits, Last modified:
nts and 1 cup water and simmer until the rice is done (for 15-20 minutes). If the filling dries out, ad... ves\\ 2 tomatoes or more\\ 900g stewing beef, or boneless lamb or pork shoulder, cut into 3cm pieces\\
2 Hits, Last modified:
===== Mix \\ **1 tblsp mustard \\ 1 tblsp sugar/honey** \\ Slowly trickle in (while whisking) \\ **oil... ===== Yoghurt Salad Sauce ===== Mix \\ **1 tsp honey \\ 2 tblsp apple vinegar \\ 1/2 horseradish \\ a
1 Hits, Last modified:
\\ 5. Fry vegetables in a pan. When it's getting done, put octopus from 4 into the pan and fry a little
lamb @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
nutes Cook: 2 hours\\ \\ __Ingredients__\\ **1kg boneless rolled lamb shoulder roast, trimmed and cut i
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