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8 Hits, Last modified:
g it to the analog input (e.g. pin A0) of an Arduino Uno board. Instal Arduino IDE from ubuntu softward center. Plugin Arduino to USB port. Open and upload {{dob:serial_read.ino.g
8 Hits, Last modified:
- Dreammachine - Soundcard Oscilloscope - Arduino Oscilloscop - a LPH7779 which can work with [[|Arduino]] Arduino Uno (R1 Clone) can be bought on Amazon for ~12€. \\ To build your own Arduino you need
2 Hits, Last modified:
mounting is running apparently as part of gnome.. no gnome - no automounting Fix (( is
2 Hits, Last modified:
ether with SSH/SFTP option. All goes well - BUT no sound on HDMI. Problems is caused by PI being for... mp3 over network. Video is still a problem. Starts playing file (audio in background but no video)
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