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4 Hits, Last modified:
\\ a little flour\\ 5 red chilis\\ 2 tomatoes\\ 1 can tomatoes\\ salt** \\ Saute the onions, then the ... tomatoes and simmer for another while. Put in the can of tomatoes and mix the sauce with the meat. Add ... lli (Thailand) ===== __Ingredients__\\ **400ml (1 can) coconut milk, not shaken\\ 2 tablespoons vegetab... eam \\ 1.5 l water** \\ The following ingredients can be modified depending on your personal taste: \\
6 Hits, Last modified:
**\\ add **pineapple** and **juice from pineapple can**\\ add **Aubergine**, **carrots**\\ Bring to sim... \\ in sesame oil, add\\ **lemon juice** and\\ **a can of coconut milk**. Bring to simmer and put in\\ *... Fry the chicken, with onions and garlic and dill. Can add some red peppers for some color. With pasta - can add blue cheese (Saint Agur) & cream. David O'B
2 Hits, Last modified:
s and beans. Bean - diced and fried red onion & 1 can each of Lima, pinto bean and 2 tins of tomatoes. ... er, stirring only once or twice.\\ Then add\\ **1 can coconut milk**\\ and heat through.\\ \\ The Book
1 Hits, Last modified:
any obvious spare fat from inside the cavity. You can, if you like, turn the duck breast-side down on a
1 Hits, Last modified:
2-inch chunks\\ 500ml Lamb Stock (stock cube)\\ 1 can of stout\\ 2 teaspoons snipped fresh thyme or 1 t
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