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growth rate can be observed: * Good investment: 15% growth over 5 years will double iniitial value ... terest </td><td> <INPUT NAME="interest" VALUE="15" MAXLENGTH="3" SIZE=8> </td><td> % </td> <tr>... interest is compounded per year \\ Assuming a $15\%$ growth rate the below graphic demonstrates wha
2 Hits, Last modified:
nt scientific definition uses absolute zero (-273.15°C) and the triple point of water as fixed points.... brium and occurs at 0.01°C. Absolute zero (-273.15) is the lowest temperature possible. Entropy reac
2 Hits, Last modified:
y and doing normal day to day tasks. A minimum of 150mins a week excercise is recomended although you ... 30} (permille)$$ Men can expect to metabolise 0.15...0,2 ‰ per hour. One beer will, in this case, ke
1 Hits, Last modified:
gs Rate ^ Years to financial Independence ^ | 15% | 43 | | 25% | 37 | | 35% | 25 | | 5
1 Hits, Last modified:
owever even more dramatic: * 90%-99% - own ??(~15% of ) * 99%-100% - own ....??~4'€ (25x average
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