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1 Hits, Last modified:
nd fry it a bit (just to close the pores), \\ add some salt, paprika, gulash stock cubes and marjoram,
4 Hits, Last modified:
th a little oil, lid on\\ add **Chicken** and fry some more\\ add **lime juice** to juice from chicken\\... chicken, with onions and garlic and dill. Can add some red peppers for some color. With pasta - can add blue cheese (Saint Agur) & cream. David O'Brien ... fillet. Cut them into medium cubes. Marinate with some mild curry powder and salt. Peel the potatoes and
1 Hits, Last modified:
t, with either a thigh or a drumstick. Serve on warmed plates, with the gravy and some roast vegetables.
1 Hits, Last modified:
r each 500g. 500g = 1lb clove of garlic cut into some piece and stuck into the meat. Vegetables (potat
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