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4 Hits, Last modified:
o shaped flour and add the yeast and then all the other ingredients.\\ Knead the dough, then add the rema... ===== **Courgette\\ Red Peppers\\ Mushrooms\\ or other vegetables** \\ \\ Fry the vegetables in a pan so... ces of butter and flour sticking on your hands... otherwise you can add some more flour and mix a little ... w in case you don't picture it and I'll find some other explanations... : ) \\ **Pork meat, chopped** (Ha
2 Hits, Last modified:
chop in quarters, cut out the core and steam with other ingredients and a little water for 10 min.\\ Fill... coa powder\\ 2/3 sachet (German) or 1-2 teaspoons other baking powder\\ 1 egg\\ 125g butter** \\ \\ Mix a
beef @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
d the meat and stir until browned. Put in all the other ingredients and 1 cup water and simmer until the
1 Hits, Last modified:
water clinging to them after washing and all the other ingredients. Blend to a paste and store in the re
1 Hits, Last modified:
d thick (if you want the onions not to be a mush, otherwise dice them) * 2 teaspoons red chilli powder
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