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rt) while other come across a bit rushed and more like an extended magazine article (e.g. Flash Boys) bu
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ther social media feeds. Reading this stuff feels like channel surfing on TV - where in the end your tim
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h rhetoric & potentially destabilizing ideologies like Trump, should have I thought led to instability,
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nions will presumably not remember - at least not like this. But then again, neither will I without the
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endence and your place in society. Alternatively, like in Henry Thoreau's Walden, you can drop out of so
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gic of what a small number of intellectuals would like to do. Recognizing what is in your best interest
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l, this is still not trivial. How would this look like in some type of post apocalyptic world where noth
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said. Maybe we are already living in a world now like that envisaged by Jorge Luis Borges in his short
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