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5 Hits, Last modified:
some water. Cook it about 20 min. (the mushrooms have to be well done to be edible) till you´ve got a t... he remaining water and keep on kneading until you have an elastic dough.\\ Leave the dough to levitate, covered with cloth.\\ After levitation (it may have grown considerably), knead again (it will deflate... shape (pizze).\\ Oven (pre-heated) 250 C: try to have an even cooking, you don't want the top burnt and
4 Hits, Last modified:
our \\ 100 g butter \\ 100 g sugar** \\ until you have a dough. Then, over the cake, rub the dough betwe... \\ Decorate with small lemon balm leaves that you have set aside and enjoy this light tart! ===== Pin... powder \\ 1 sachet vanilla sugar** /if you don't have that, mix 2 teaspoons of sugar with vanilla flavo... 125g butter** \\ \\ Mix all ingredients until you have fluffy streusels (not too small). Put half of the
3 Hits, Last modified:
g flour with water in a big jar or bowl until you have a pancake or waffel dough, kind of fluid.\\ Cover... y 24 hours - 100g flour and water, just enough to have a pancake dough again.\\ After 4-5 days Hermann s... iner and feed again, if you need sour dough - you have friend Hermann as a new house mate :-) \\ For the
chicken @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
g film and marinate at least 30 min (if you don't have much time, put it in the freezer).\\ Don't clean
pork @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
chillies**\\ along with 5 tbsp of water until you have a smooth puree.\\ \\ Put\\ **1 stick cinnamon\\
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