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beef @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
** \\ \\ Steps: \\ Cut and fry onions (shouldnt get brown), \\ in the meantime finish cuting meat int
3 Hits, Last modified:
bit dry - might need add a little oil or water to get it to come together. Mix in mixer until dough for... pepper at the end along with the garam masala, to get a bit more kick. If you want more gravy, you can... about halfway, and then a bit of coconut milk, to get a different taste, much mellower. Nice thick grav
1 Hits, Last modified:
r tart tin making the sides high so that no juice gets out. Prick with fork. \\ \\ __filling__ \\ **1 o
pork @eat:meat
2 Hits, Last modified:
((The USDA now recommends letting the tenderloin get to 145˚F and letting it rest at least 3 minutes. ... k in water 12 hours, replace water repeatedly (to get rid of excess salt).\\ Boil 1.5 hours with 6 blac
duck @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
t, away from the body. This will help the heat to get at them. 2. Cut off the wing tips (the last bony
1 Hits, Last modified:
rub the dough between your flat hands so that you get the typical uneven surface (Streusel). \\ Bake fo
2 Hits, Last modified:
but not completely, so the friendly bacteria can get to work.\\ Leave in a warm and undisturbed place.... . I was standing by you\\ when you were smelly. Getting old. Hermann, it broke my heart\\ when I sli
1 Hits, Last modified:
from 3. \\ 5. Fry vegetables in a pan. When it's getting done, put octopus from 4 into the pan and fry
3 Hits, Last modified:
besten einen Tag vorher) __Zutaten:__\\ **4 Eier (getrennt)\\ 500g Mascarpone\\ 4 EL Zucker\\ 3 EL Rum... \ 3.) Mascarpone, Rum dazu,\\ 4.) erste in Kaffee getunkte Löffelbiskuitschicht in Auflaufform,\\ 5.) Mascarponemasse drauf.\\ 6.) Zweite in Kaffee getunkte Löffelbiskuitschicht,\\ 7.) Mascarponemasse
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