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5 Hits, Last modified:
weet Popcorn ==== - 1/2 cup Popcorn - 1/2 cup Butter - 1/4 cup Brown Sugar Heat up some oil or butter in a pot-put in popcorn kernels, cover and wait... e it is finished to avoid burning them. Melt the butter and sugar in a pot and boil for 2 minutes. Po... , total about 1 teaspoon Saute the onions a bit, but not too long. Maybe till they turn a bit transluc
1 Hits, Last modified:
whisking constantly. \\ In pieces, add \\ **170g butter** \\ and melt - still whisking, of course - un
chicken @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
mon juice\\ salt & pepper \\ Dill**\\ Very quick but tasty :-P\\ Chop chicken into bite size pieces, m
12 Hits, Last modified:
big potatoes \\ 6-8 carrots** \\ Fry the onion in butter with \\ **1 chopped garlic clove**, add the po... in slices. Braise onions and parsley lightly with butter, then add the mushrooms and some water. Cook i... ek and potato \\ 1 or 2 carrots for taste \\ Some butter & vegetable stock cube** \\ \\ Cover with wate... Dough__ \\ ** 1 egg \\ 250 g of flour \\ 100 g of butter or margarine (I usually go for margarine) \\ A
pork @eat:meat
3 Hits, Last modified:
for chicken except for sausage meat)\\ **4 Ozs of butter\\ 2 onions\\ 3 tablespoons of dried parsley\\ ... at\\ 2 eggs\\ (2 tablespoons of sherry)** \\ Melt butter in a saucepan, add onions cook gently until soft, but before they brown. Add herbs and breadcrumbs and
duck @eat:meat
1 Hits, Last modified:
just to pierce the skin. You want the fat to run, but not the juices from the meat. Season the skin lig
20 Hits, Last modified:
ene Zitronenschale\\ 1/8 l lauwarme Milch\\ 100 g Butter zimmerwarm\\ 1 Ei \\ \\ Rezept Zubereitung He... schen Apfelkuchen\\ 1. Mehl, Zucker, Salz, weiche Butter, lauwarme Milch, Eier in eine Rührschüssel geb... Vanillezucker\\ 1 Prise Salz\\ etwas Zimt\\ 250 g Butter\\ \\ Alle Zutaten in eine Schüssel geben.\\ Sc... hoch heizen. ===== Gugelhupf ===== Mix \\ **250g butter \\ 4 eggs \\ 250 g sugar \\ 1 sachet vanilla s
1 Hits, Last modified:
ffing inside juice of half lemon. Strong tasting, but not bad. Could reduce sage and lemon [[:eat:meat
8 Hits, Last modified:
rfel (42 g) Hefe \\ 150 g Rosinen \\ 80 g weiche Butter oder Margarine \\ 3 Eier \\ 1 Eigelb \\ 3 EL S... treacle\\ 1 egg\\ a bit of milk\\ 1 heaped spoon butter**\\ \\ Put the dough into a small greased baki... waffel dough, kind of fluid.\\ Cover with a lid, but not completely, so the friendly bacteria can get ... teaspoon baking soda\\ 3 tablespoons margarine or butter\\ 1/4 cup raisins (optional)\\ 1 egg white, sl
2 Hits, Last modified:
s of water**\\ and add\\ **1 tsp salt**\\ **1 tsp butter.**\\ \\ Put the drained rice into the boiling ... until slightly over the mark 1, and press the red button :-)\\ \\ Thanks to Sang Soon and the St. Andre
9 Hits, Last modified:
Sahnesteif\\ 1 Eigelb\\ Blättrige Mandeln\\ 1 EL Butter\\ 1 EL Zucker** \\ \\ Zubereitung:\\ 1.) Zucke... in unteren Schichten.\\ Zur Deco und sehr lecker: Butter in Pfanne schmelzen, dann Zucker hinzufügen bi... 60 g gehackte Nüsse\\ 1 Ei\\ 80 g Zucker\\ 125 g Butter (weich)\\ 170 g Milch oder Buttermilch** \\ \\ Streusel:\\ **70 g Mehl\\ 50 g Zucker\\ 1 TL Zimt\\
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