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4 Hits, Last modified:
===== Temperature Scale Converter ===== Convert between Fahrenheit and Celcius <html> <head> <script ... </FORM> <p> </body> </html> Conversion Formulas between °F and °C : \\ °C = (°F - 32) × 5/9 \\ °F =... stable temperature of 0 °F (−17.78 °C). Intervals between this point and the freezing point of water and normal body temperature were chosen to be easily divisible without leaving fractions.\\ *
9 Hits, Last modified:
ng the seed corn** ((To eat the corn which should be saved for seed, so as to forestall starvation; - ... order to provide temporary relief.)) \\ This can be defined as the amount of capital needed to genera... ncome to cover your expenses without your capital being depleted with time either through inflation or... return after taxes and after a part of return has been added to existing capital to [[#offsetting.inla
6 Hits, Last modified:
tainability)) \\ Compound interest and Inflation being two notable financial examples where consequences of a constant growth rate can be observed: * Good investment: 15% growth over 5 ... rview of how you can describe constant growth can be found in the table below (([[
9 Hits, Last modified:
Guidelines for Normal BMI ===== "Normal" BMI is between 18.5 and 25 for adults.(([[http://en.wikiped... 500|}} For children, normal BMI varies with age. Below is a chart for boys(( take you need to maintain your weight. This can be estimated using the Mifflin St Jeor Equation (199... oing.nothing|Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)]] but may be less than you think. For example, walking 5000 st
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(25x average wealth) ((Note piketty text varies between 180k and 200k€ as average wealth..)) In ter
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