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= Reading "The Undoing Project" by Michael Lewis at the moment about the relationship and work of Dan... sample. [[wp>Bayes Theorem]] is one tool to look at this and it yields some unexpected results that c... have learned this before but I think I will look at this again to understand it's full significance. ... ilding on the ideas of combinations, you can look at processes that have either single trials with mul
4 Hits, Last modified:
imum of 0,84\$ in Nov 2000 up to 1.6\$ July 2008. At the time of writing it is priced at 1.17\$ which is similar to valuation at launch in Jan 1999. The short term variations can be equally ... ced in \$ has risen by around 10%. Significantly, at least to me, this mirrors exactly the "rise" of t
3 Hits, Last modified:
ted = 2016-12-03 ~~ Interesting article from the Atlantic - [[ memory-amensia/508886/|Traces of time lost]], THe Atlantic, Nov 2016)) about formation of memories in ... younger companions will presumably not remember - at least not like this. But then again, neither will
2 Hits, Last modified:
yet to get to around to it. Lewis is very good at writing entertaining books and giving insight int... view of Lewis discussing some of his earlier work at the Haas Business School in Berkeley to get a tas
2 Hits, Last modified:
ss the text that I highlight while reading online at this [[|... erest over time as well as the key points in each article that grabbed my attention. ~~DISCUSSION~~
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people reject the dogma of technological progress at all costs. (Trump's "post fact" victory in the US... eaning our flawed, inefficient, unproductive ways at the center of our world instead of being pushed e
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====== Emacs & Macros ====== Looking again at my old text editor Emacs and what it can do with Emacs ... ic: "Real programmers set the universal constants at the start such that the universe evolves to conta
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up with my world picture. I am not sure why, but at least that much appears to be true. ====== ====
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known as the Unabomber) there is still a logic to at least some of his thinking with respect to techno
1 Hits, Last modified:
Johnson-Schönheim-Erdős \\ //Superposition states at finite temperature// G. Huyet, S Franke-Arnold, *
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