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3 Hits, Last modified: === How many calories in different foods? ==== Small calorie (cal) is the energy needed to increase 1 ... kohol/)) Rough calculation with assumptions * All alcohol instantly absorbed into blood and no time
4 Hits, Last modified:
eed to depend on income from your labour. Colloquially described as //"F*-* You Money"//. \\ Could defi... rn which should be saved for seed, so as to forestall starvation; - a desperate measure, since it only ... of the size taken up by:\\ a) 10 thousand Euro (small enough to fit straight into your pocket) \\ b) 1 ... on capital return can also vary wildly. Tax free allowances or tax avoidance measures could also lower
2 Hits, Last modified:
s a formula assuming the interest is Compound annually (APR%):(([[ tes]] //24 Dec 2016//)). The difference is essentially the interval used for compounding, from never (s
1 Hits, Last modified:
or other investments) Return on capital is typically on the order of 5%/year over the long run.\\ *
1 Hits, Last modified:
f water: 32°F * Body Temperature: 98°F (originally 96°F - 64 Intervals) * Boiling point of water:
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