====== Wikidobia ====== [[https://www.google.com/analytics/web/?pli=1#home/a728336w1234610p1226549/|Page Statistics]]| ---- == 12 Dec 2016 == Updated : inc/lang/[lang-code]/stopwords.txt to exclude some common words form the word cloud == 07 Dec 2016 == added swittmail for email support - will inform me of changes to the wiki (registrations, comments)\\ 651 users - spammy registrations. Deleted them from users-auth.php. Installed Captcha plugin to see if I can control it this way. I would prefer if I could leave everthing open. == 06 Dec 2016 == Major Overhaul of backend to most up to date Software version now complete Copmpying the data folder and installiguring following plugins/template from scratch Plugin Blog Pagelist Ckgedit Move Include Imgpaste Mathjax Discussion Authpdo Cloud Template Minima ---- == 10 Sep 2015 - dob == Starting to see some rubish spam pages being added to main pages - long garbage text with one link somewhere. Not sure what they are trying to achieve - deleting them. Will have to review external editing permissions if continues. **06-10-2014**\\ Turned off registering of new users. Notice huge log files being generated in apache2. filled disk. >42k users registered... some bot doing this - not clear why. Error log size exploding from May/June timeframe...\\ Waiting to see if this solves It or if anything else strange happening.... **01-07-2012**\\ Registered domaing name: www.wikidobia.info 09-07-100\\ Hotels book for the wedding in Regenburg. Looking forward to it! Please leave your comments.... anyone...? :) **11-08-07**\\ Dokuwiki software updated - slightly new look... **11-07-07**\\ Wikidobia is back online - in a new location and on a new server! **23-09-06**\\ Some changes... eat go ... Changing appearance of dokuwiki [[http://wiki.splitbrain.org/wiki%3Atpl%3Atemplates|dokuwiki templates]] [[air:AnnekesWiki]] and the German wiki [[air:Der Wikidobia]] =). [[fs_deutsch:fs_deutsch]] The origins of [[wiki:Wikidobia]]. Homepage of [[http://dob.homelinux.com/~dobrien/wwwhome/|dobrien]] & [[http://dob.homelinux.com/AnnekeRichter/doku.php|Anneke Richter]]. [[dob:dob]] contains [[dob:DobMedia]] and technical things on the [[dob:PenguinPage]] \\ [[Wedding]] [[Wikidobia]] went online on the 10-06-06 8-O This wiki is used to collect bits and pieces of information that interest us. Hope you find something that interests you. If you have something to contribute - feel free!\\ Go to [[start]] [[google>Wikidobia]] [[http://www.google.com/analytics|Google Analytics]] {{:stasunrise.jpg?610|:stasunrise.jpg}}