====== Your Place in Society ====== The following is based on the work of Thomas Piketty in "Capital in the 21st Century". * 30,000 € : Average income (2010 values) \\ * 180,000€ € : Average Private Wealth (6 times the income) \\ This private wealth is made up of equal parts real estate and financial instruments * 90,000 € Real Estate * 90,000 € Financial Instruments (stocks, bonds, savings, or other investments) Return on capital is typically on the order of 5%/year over the long run.\\ * 9,000 € return on 180,000€ capital => 30% of income is derived from The above //"average citizen"// of course does not exist.\\ In terms of private wealth, the following sections of the wealth distribution: * 0%-50% - owns almost nothing (average 20k€) - lower class\\ * 50%-90% - own ~ - Middle Class \\ * 90%-100% - own 60% of total wealth => 6xAverage wealth = ~1'€ - Upper Class \\ The division inside this top 10% is however even more dramatic: * 90%-99% - own ??(~15% of ) * 99%-100% - own ....??~4'€ (25x average wealth) ((Note piketty text varies between 180k and 200k€ as average wealth..)) In terms of income: * Income is 30% from 10000 € own furniture, refrigerators, cars, etc.. (1/3 of yearly income)