====== Erdős Number ====== In the world of mathematics, you can see networking effects in terms of your //Erdős number// which quantifies the series of connections through the scientific community to the published work of [[wp>Paul Erdős]]. As well as being a prolific author of mathematical papers, [[wp>Paul Erdős]] was also quite an enigmatic character. His biography, [[wp>The Man Who Loved Only Numbers]], is worth a read. To be assigned an Erdős number, one must be a coauthor of a research paper with another person who has a finite Erdős number. Paul Erdős has an Erdős number of zero. Anybody else's Erdős number is $k + 1$ where $k$ is the lowest Erdős number of any co-author. Erdős wrote around 1,500 mathematical articles in his lifetime, mostly co-written. He had 511 direct collaborators; these are the people with Erdős number 1. The people who have collaborated with them (but not with Erdős himself) have an Erdős number of 2 (9267 people as of 2010), those who have collaborated with people who have an Erdős number of 2 (but not with Erdős or anyone with an Erdős number of 1) have an Erdős number of 3, and so forth. A person with no such coauthorship chain connecting to Erdős has an Erdős number of infinity (or an undefined one). Since the death of Paul Erdős, the lowest Erdős number that a researcher can obtain is 2. ((http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erd%C5%91s_number)) ====== ====== Below is the distribution of Erdős Numbers((http://www.oakland.edu/enp/trivia/)) Erdös number 0 --- 1 person Erdös number 1 --- 504 people Erdös number 2 --- 6593 people Erdös number 3 --- 33605 people Erdös number 4 --- 83642 people Erdös number 5 --- 87760 people Erdös number 6 --- 40014 people Erdös number 7 --- 11591 people Erdös number 8 --- 3146 people Erdös number 9 --- 819 people Erdös number 10 --- 244 people Erdös number 11 --- 68 people Erdös number 12 --- 23 people Erdös number 13 --- 5 people ====== My Erdős Number would appear to be 5 ====== ==== Erdős Number 5 ==== Checking through AMS:\\ http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/collaborationDistance.html === Path 1 === O'Brien-Huyet/McInerney-**Pokrovskii**-Boltyanskii-Soifer-Erdős //"Rigorous analysis of complicated behaviour in a truncated LangKobayashi model"// O. Rasskazov, G. Huyet, J. Mcinerney, **A. Pokrovskii**\\ * **Alexei V. Pokrovskii** coauthored with Vladimir Grigorʹevich Boltyanskii MR0862446 (88a:93001) * Vladimir Grigorʹevich Boltyanskii coauthored with Alexander Soifer MR1104655 (92f:52031) * Alexander Soifer coauthored with Paul Erdős1 MR1214695 === Path 2 === Stephen Barnett is same or?? Huyet-Barnett-Johnson-Schönheim-Erdős \\ //Superposition states at finite temperature// G. Huyet, S Franke-Arnold, **S.M. Barnett** * **Stephen Barnett ** coauthored with Charles R. Johnson MR0943760 (89c:15005) * Charles R. Johnson coauthored with Johanan Schönheim MR0705965 (84j:15007) * Johanan Schönheim coauthored with Paul Erdős1 === Path 3 === Arlazarov, V. L.; **Uskov, A. V.** Faradžev, I. A. //An algorithm for finding all simple cycles in a directed graph. (Russian) Studies in discrete mathematics (Russian)//, pp. 178–183. Izdat."Nauka'', Moscow, 1973. MR Erdos Number = 4 * **A. V. Uskov ** coauthored with I. A. Faradzhev MR0412019 (54 #148) * I. A. Faradzhev coauthored with Mikhail H. Klin MR0617203 (82g:20012) * Mikhail H. Klin coauthored with Peter J. Cameron MR1920405 (2003f:20001) * Peter J. Cameron coauthored with Paul Erdős1 MR1106651 (92g:11010) === Path 4 === MR2070618 34C23 (34C25 34K13 34K18) Krasnoselʹskii, A. M.; McInerney, J.; Pokrovskii, A. V. Synchronized double-frequency oscillations in a class of weakly resonant systems. Nonlinear Anal. 57 (2004), no. 7-8, 929–949. MR Erdos Number = 4 * J. G. McInerney coauthored with Alexander M. Krasnoselʹskii MR2070618 * Alexander M. Krasnoselʹskii coauthored with Vladimir Grigorʹevich Boltyanskii MR0862446 * Vladimir Grigorʹevich Boltyanskii coauthored with Alexander Soifer MR1104655 * Alexander Soifer coauthored with Paul Erdős1 MR1214695 ==== Erdős Number 4 ? ==== tool From [[http://academic.research.microsoft.com/VisualExplorer#416632&1112639 |Microsoft]] would suggest Erdös number of 4 McInerney-H.S.Gamble-H.L.Montogmery-Erdős doesn't look reliable though, results don't make sense.. (McInerney search does not show this link!) ~~DISCUSSION~~